So... what exactly is it that you do?
We're a production and post company, based in Seattle. We have an awesome studio with multiple rooms and a sound-stage down the hall. We make music, create graphics, edit commercials, and mix everything from ads to feature length films to VR ambisonic experiences.
Here's some stuff we've been doing.
We're a team of creative professionals, doing what we can to push the toolset to the edge and create really fresh content.

Who you know.

Here are a few quick notes about who we are and what we stand for:
#1 - Cake day. Every Thursday is Cake day.
#2 - Super fun people. (We think)
#3 - We live at the intersection of Passion & Process.
#4 - We're a group who loves to see great ideas executed well.

And by the way... our studio is kinda cool. It's never the 'gear', of course. But, the gear is pretty happenin'.
We have several rooms connected to a central 'machine room'. That makes our workflow possible because we can be composing in one room, editing in another, and painting out that thing you didn't want to see in yet another. All at once.